Monday, September 24, 2012

Flower Arranging - Part 1

Last week I was expressing to Bianca how I want to make the most of my time here, and how I’ve feeling a bit bored between 9am and 3pm while the kids are at school. She was immediately full of ideas, and sent me to This site is full of “experiences” that you can buy. Right away the Flower Arranging and Design class caught my eye. There was an option for 1, 5, or 10 classes. So I went with 5, and it happened to be offered super close by in Cheltenham! So last Monday I had my first class :)

One of the coolest parts of the class was that the girl who was doing the same design as me happened to be Canadian. We had lots in common and talked through most of the time we were working on the arrangement. Too bad she only had one class as a gift! I honestly don’t remember most of the flower names, mainly because I had never heard of any before..most of them were Australian. But the lady who was instructing us passed around a bunch of handouts at the end that explained everything we did in further detail and the items we used. So every week I’ll work on a different design and I get to keep everything I make! It’s really fun so far, and it’s always kind of interested me. It’s nice to be able to have the time to do things like this that I’ve been curious about. Since then I’ve booked an indoor snowboard lesson and I’m probably gonna go for a half-day rock climbing experience as well...I’ll probably schedule it once it warms up a bit more. It’s such a cool way to try new things!

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