Thursday, March 17, 2011

"#26 - Give Blood"

Since watching The Buried Life, I've become inspired to make a "bucket list" of my own. So, one weekend I was hanging out with my friends, Stuart and Ben, and they wanted me to give blood right then and there, and to be honest it freaked me out. I need time to prepare myself!! Well, it didn't happen that night because the clinic is closed Saturday nights, but me and Ben went later the next week and brought Kaylee and Julia along.

They ask you lots of questions and take your blood pressure and heart rate, (mine took a little while to settle down 'cause I was a tad nervous) but other than that, it's a pretty smooth and easy process. You call in first to make an appointment, 1-888-2-DONATE, and then just show up!

The needle didn't really hurt, and to be honest I didn't feel nauseous at any point. You give half a liter of blood at a time.
You'll notice that we happened to be watching a news story about a shark attack survivor while all this was going on...

Excited to find out my blood type!

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